Nearly $5 million raised in UAE for Syrian refugees

A campaign launched by the Red Crescent Authority of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for Syrian refugees who are facing the severe cold wave in Syria’s neighbouring countries, has raised 18.1 million dirhams ($4.9 million) in cash.

Ateeq Al Falahi, secretary-general of the Red Crescent Authority, said the three-day ‘Our Hearts with the Syrians’ campaign received wide response from corporate and individual donors.

Generous donations to the fundraiser came from corporate donors and charities including the Dar Al Ber Society (3.6 million dirhams), Al Ansari Exchange and Al Hilal Bank (1 million dirhams each) and businessman Khalifa Al Naboodah (1.5 million dirhams).

The RCA campaign Wednesday received an early donation of 10 million dirhams from Dubai Islamic Bank Humanitarian Foundation and 1 million dirhams from individual donors through SMS text messages.
