Hyderabad: On Friday, the local court issued a Non-Bailable Warrant(NBW) against the Heera Group of Companies founder, Nowhera Shaik and two others in connection with a case filed by the Registrar of Companies (RoC) for reportedly failing to submit balance sheets since 2016.
According to the report of Telangana Today, the RoC filed a case against Nowhera Shaik, company director Mubarak Jan Shaik, and Heera Foodex Private Limited under section 92 of the Companies Act.
At present, the trio is in custody of Bengaluru police and the court has asked them to appear before the court on August 30.
A few days ago, Bellary police took custody of Shaik along with her two aides, Molly Thomas and Biju Thomas for their alleged involvement in the Ponzi scheme.
Before they were taken to Bellary, Shaik with her two aides were arrested by the Hyderabad Central Crime Station (CCS) police and lodged in Chanchalguda prison.
CCS officials have issued a lookout circular (LoC) against four directors – Ashraf Ahmed, Ismail Shaik Abu Baqar, Abdul Qayyum, and Yasin Baig – across all airports and ports to prevent them from leaving the country.
Meanwhile, the All India Heera Victims Association, in a statement issued here on Friday, demanded the government arrest all 33 suspects in the scam – DC report.