Hyderabad: In the spate of arrests made after the encounter of Gangster Nayeem, SIT has so far arrested 19 persons including gangster’s wife, sister and other relatives. Nayeem’s sister’s son in law Faheem and his wife Sajida Shaheen have surrendered themselves at Rajendra Nagar Upparpally Court. According to reliable sources recent revelations have brought to the fore names of some ex-ministers of Congress government, while the two MLAs and Corporators’ have also come to fore.
Following the encounter of Gangster Nayeem, the Special Investigation Team (SIT) set up by the DGP has so far seized original documents of 600 properties worth thousands of Crores of rupees. SIT has seized two kg gold and 4 crore cash.
On one single day 14 phone calls have been received from the persons who were targeted by Nayeem. The registered complaint regarding encroachment on land worth over 250 Cr.
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