Hyderabad: Gangster Nayeem who wanted to be a public representative was planning to make a film on his own character to establish goodwill among public. SIT officials who were conducting probe into his illegal activities have found his personal diary which has made astonishing revelations. Top sources of intelligence told that he was in contact with film directors and other famous actors of Telugu film industry in connection with preparation of a film ‘Eik Nayeem ki Kahani’ based on his own life.
He was highly impressed by the film made on the life of Telugu Desam MLA Paritala Ravi’s murder and his life, by famous film director Ram Gopal Varma. Nayeem wished to prepare such film on his own life.
According to sources, Nayeem has been visiting Jubilee Hills club for the past few months. The club which is frequently visited by noted Telugu Film actors and doctors.
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