The Special Investigation Team (SIT) of Telangana Police, which is investigating into the cases of slain gangster Md. Nayeemuddin on Monday informed that so far 38 cases were registered against Nayeem and his gang members across the Telangana State.
During investigation of cases against Nayeem gang, it has been revealed that Nayeem had murdered a minor girl, Nasreen, aged about 17 years, at Lift house, Alkapur Colony of Narsingi PS limits. One day prior to the engagement of Ahela, daughter of Late Aleemuddin, the accused Nayeem and deceased Nasreen and others were preparing to attend the function. The deceased objected for assigning various works to her while they were getting ready and also refused to stay alone at home. Inspite of repeated requests she was not allowed to attend the function and forced to remain in the home.
The minor girl was vexed on her life and threatened to commit suicide by jumping from the top of the building and she went on to the top floor. On that Nayeem got wild, beat the victim indiscriminately, and ingested sleeping pills and then the entire family left for function. After returning from the function the accused Nayeem with the help of accused Fayeem @ Taimur and others disposed off the dead body in the limits of Manchirevula (V).
On Monday, in pursuance of the confession of Fayeem @ Taimur the Skeletal remains of Nasreen were traced at the outskirts of Manchirevula (V). Inquest was conducted by Tahasildar, Rajendranagar and a team of Doctors conducted autopsy over the Skeletal remains.
A separate murder case is being registered against Nayeem & others U/s 302 & 201 IPC, the SIT official said.
The SIT officers so far arrested 34 accused in different cases related to Nayeem. (INN)