Hyderabad: Justice Syed Shah Mohammed Qadri, former Judge of Supreme Court paid rich tributes to late Nawab Shah Alam Khan and said that he was the representative of Hyderabadi Culture. He was delivering presidential address on the occasion of condolence meeting of Nawab Shah Alam Khan held at Anwar-ul-Uloom College on Saturday, 4th November.
Mr. Zahid Ali Khan, Editor of Siasat Urdu Daily also addressed the condolence meeting as the Chief Guest.
Justice Qadri told that Nawab Shah Alam Khan was a person of good moral character. Anyone who met him used to carry pleasant memories with him. The deeds of Nawab Shah Alam Khan are exemplary even today.
Anwar-ul-Uloom College is the best example of his deeds. He further said that Nawab Shah Alam Khan established precedents by forming educational institutions. He also applauded the services of Nawab Mahboob Alam Khan and said that he created an example by organizing the condolence meeting of his father at Anwar-ul-Uloom College.
Mr. Zahid Ali Khan also paid tributes to Dr. Vizarat Rasool Khan and said that he created a network of educational institutions in order to eradicate educational backwardness of the Muslim community.
Ms. Shaadan Vizarat Rasool Khan in her address recalled her personal association with Nawab Shah Alam Khan and said that he used to treat her as his daughter. She also said that impressed by him, she had named her son as Shah Alam Rasool Khan.
Mr. Mujtaba Husain, Dr. Mustafa Kamal, Mr. Imtiyazuddin, Ms. Amena Ansari, Ms. Lakshmi Devi Raj and the personal physician of Nawab Shah Alam Khan, Dr. Narasimhan also addressed the gathering.
–Siasat News