New Delhi: Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Friday said that two decades from now, Odisha will complete hundred years of statehood and present every Odia with an opportunity to create a collective vision as to how their state would be like by 2036.
Mr Patnaik said while addressing the non-resident Odias at the Prabasi Odia Conclave in New Delhi, organised by President Pranab Mukherjee.
He informed the non-resident Odias that the state is in the process of creating a blueprint at the completion of 100 years and will be delighted to seek their ideas and contributions in the endeavour.
Highlighting the political stability and transparent governance in the state, he said creation of physical infrastructure up to the Gram Panchayat level, empowering the grassroots, protecting the tribal rights and Odisha’s focus on the mother and child, have set benchmarks for others to follow.
Before addressing the audience, the Chief Minister introduced an e-Portal – Ananya, to provide access to global market for Odisha’s crafts and women artisans.
The Chief Minister also mentioned that over 50 per cent population of Odisha is under the age of 30 and they will be in their prime as the year 2036 dawns in two decades from now.