Nasreen Ayoob Ali Khan wife of Ayoob Ali Khan passes away

Nasreen Ayoob Ali Khan, wife of senior journalist Mir Ayoob Ali Khan, passed away earlier in the evening today after a bout of illness. She was 67.

Ms Nasreen was a teacher at the Indian Embassy School in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. After returning to Hyderabad, she helped in founding Mount Mercy School in Toli Chowki where she served as Honorary Director and Principal.

She leaves behind her husband Mir Ayoob Ali Khan, and sons Mir Muneeb Ali Khan and Mir Mujeeb Ali Khan.

The tadfeen will be at the graveyard at the Masjid-e-Baqi complex, Road Number 12, Banjara Hills, after Zohar namaz (1.15pm) inshallah.