Narendra Modi threatens to deport Bangladeshi immigrants

BJP’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi on Sunday threatened to deport Bangladeshi immigrants if NDA comes to power, saying they were being welcomed with red carpets for vote bank politics.

“I want to warn from here, brothers and sisters write down, that after May 16, will send these Bangladeshis beyond the border with their bags and baggages,” Modi said alleging that Trinamool Congress supremo Mamata Banerjee was pursuing vote bank politics.

“You are spreading the red carpet for the Bangladeshis for the sake of votebank politics,” he said in this largely mixed constituency, where there is a large chunk of Hindi-belt population who are the main work force in the jute mills here.

“If people from Bihar come, they seem to be outsiders to you, if people from Odisha come, they seem to be outsiders to you, you feel bad if Marwaris come.

“But if some Bangladeshi comes, your face seems to shine,” he said alleging that Banerjee was insulting the people of the country for the sake of votebank politics.

“This country cannot run like this. We won’t allow you to destroy the country for the sake of your vote bank politics,” he thundered.

“You have done more damage in 35 months than the Left had done in 35 years,” Modi said attacking Banerjee’s TMC government in West Bengal.

“Nowadays, votebank politics is going on. I speak on only two issues, which are development and good governance.

“When I say what about the employment of the youths, they say what about secularism. When I say what about the welfare of farmers, they say what about secularism. I say what about two square meals for the poor, they say what about secularism. I talk of security for women on whom atrocities are being meted out, they say what about secularism.

“They don’t want to talk on issues, except for vote bank politics, they have got nothing to say,” the Gujarat Chief Minister said.

“Whether it is Mamataji, the Left, Madam Soniaji or Mayawati, they are all pursuing vote bank politics,” he claimed.

“This vote bank politics has darkened the future of India’s youth,” Modi said.