Naked German chases down Wild Boar that stole his laptop

An unclothed German man was caught on camera as he chased down a wild boar that had run off with a laptop bag.

 Pictures updated on social media displays the naked man running after a wild boar and her two piglets to the laughter of fellow swimmers at Berlin’s Teufelssee or Devil’s Lake.

YouTube video

 Adele Landauer, an actor and coach who witnessed the incident  had shared the picture on social media.

 With the posted pictures she wrote how the pigs first snatched somebody’s pizza before grabbing the bag.  “When the owner realized what had happened, he it all,” she added.

Everyone clapped amnd congratulated the man when he finally got his bag, she further wrote.
“When he came back with his yellow bag in hand we all clapped and congratulated him for his success,” she further added.

Adele Landauer, who snapped a shot, said in a Facebook post “I showed the man the photos, he laughed heartily and gave me permission to make them public.”

 Wild boars are very common in the forests near Berlin and can occasionally be seen venturing through city parks in search of food.