Inaugurating a hospital at Timmapur in West Godavari district today, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu said he wants all farmers and poor live happily in the State. Earlier, the Chief Minister worshipped Lord Venkateshwara Swami at Dwaraka Tirumala in the district.
Speaking on the occasion, Chandrababu Naidu said the land problems in West Godavari district have become an hindrance in setting up of industries in the district. He said as Dwaraka Tirumala temple has 17,000 acres of forest land, the government would set up industries after De-notifying the land. He said Dwarka Tirumala would be developed into a Health Hub and an Acqa University would be established at Bhimavaramm.
The Chief Minister assured the people that his government would extend help to backward Kapus. A fund of Rs 10,000 crore would be earmarked for DWCRA women’s groups. (NSS)