Vijayawada: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu said on Monday that Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) national president Amit Shah’s statement about the construction of Amaravati capital city is totally untrue.
While speaking during Mahanadu forum, the chief minister said, “Amit Shah’s statement ‘no works have started in Amaravati’ is totally false. Shah making such a statement is not correct.”
“Though we have sent Utility Certificates (UCs), Amit Shah’s allegations that they are not real ones is baseless,” he added.
Naidu also said, “The centre gave only Rs 2,500 crore for construction of Amaravati capital city and are bluffing that they have given full funds,” he added.
He further questioned what is the need for a political party’s president to speak about UCs. The UC is a matter of administration and the Prime Minister can speak on that but who is Amit Shah to interfere in such administrative issue, he asked.
Raking the special status issue, Naidu asked Shah to explain what kind of UCs are needed for giving special status to Andhra Pradesh or to refill the revenue deficit of the state.
Talking about the next year’s assembly elections in the state, Naidu said the BJP cannot get even 1 per cent of votes in Andhra Pradesh. He called on the party cadre to strive for winning all 175 seats in the state in the forthcoming elections. (ANI)