New Delhi: Union Parliamentary Affairs Minister M. Venkaiah Naidu on Wednesday defended Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was attacked by the Congress for his silence on the Lalit Modi row, by declaring that ‘Prime Minister Modi is the most popular man in the world.’
“Our Prime Minister is respected everywhere in the world, not only in India. My Prime Minister is the most popular man in the world,” Naidu said in the Lok Sabha
He also attacked the opposition for ‘not allowing the ruling party to say anything’, and said that the Parliament should be allowed to function.
“When they (Congress) were in power, they did not allow India to move forward, now they are in opposition, and they still won’t let the country move forward. I’m trying to be friendly with all, but I cannot be unfriendly with the truth,” Naidu said.
Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi in his Lok Sabha address earlier today took a swing at Prime Minister Modi for his silence on the Lalit Modi row.
“Modiji had said I will not be corrupt nor let anybody be. Today, he does not have the guts to sit in this chair and face this House. ” Rahul said.
Rahul went on to say, “Gandhiji had three monkeys – don’t see evil, don’t hear evil and don’t speak evil. Modiji has new types of monkeys that preach; don’t see the truth, don’t hear the truth and don’t speak the truth.”
He also added that the Prime Minister Modi needs to fight against corruption and if he will try to save culprits then he will lose the credibility and trust on which he was chosen as Prime Minister.