Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu today directed the officials to be well prepared with available expertise to launch spillway concrete works of Polavarm project on December 30. He asked the officials to deploy additional men and machinery to prevent delay of concrete works.
Conducting a virtual inspection of Polavaram project works from AP Secretariat, the Chief Minister said officials should take advice from experts to launch concrete works. He said the progress of project works should be made available on CM dash board. The officials explained about the progress of spill way, approach channel and pilot channel works. Project superintending engineer Ramesh Kumar, present at the project site said there was 72 per cent progress in the works. The officials also informed that the NABARD is likely to release funds for Polavaram project by December 26.
The Chief Minister also asked the officials to prepare a model project at the project site to bring awareness among the people on the project. He stressed the need for completing the project as per schedule. He said smart water grids and inland water ways should be developed for the economic development of the State.
Chandrababu Naidu said Polavaram project area has great potential for eco-tourism and asked the officials to prepare necessary proposals to promote tourism by designing accommodation, boating and heli-tourism.
Minister for Water Resources Devineni Umamaheswara Rao, Water Resources secretary Sasibushan, engineer-in-chief Venkateswara Rao and others were present. (NSS)