AP Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu today directed the district Collectors to review preparatory measures and requirements of farmers for the Kharif and upcoming Rabi season.
In a tele-conference with the Collectors at Vijayawada, Naidu asked the Collectors to stock urea and seedlings and other essential requirements needed by farmers during the season. Officials of Agriculture and Revenue departments must co-ordinate with each other and provide support to the farmers, he said. In this regard, the Chief Minister reminded the government’s commitment to release Rs 24,000 crore for debt redemption even during a financial crisis situation. “Create awareness among farmers and instill confidence in them,” he said.
To make water available for crops and recharge tanks, the Chief Minister directed the officials to make people active partners in the government’s flagship program “Neeru-Chettu”. The Chief Minister also inquired on the status of MSME loans under the Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY). He directed the Collectors to analyse the working status of these enterprises and prepare a report on their credit squeeze.
Given that in last 10 years, the MSMEs in the State failed to pick up pace, the Chief Minister sought revival of the industry and directed the district Collectors to encourage MSMEs and increase their revenues.
Reacting on reports of sand mafia being rampant, the Chief Minister directed the Collectors to crack a whip on sand mafia and ensure sand is made available from identified reaches and not exploited erroneously. (NSS)