Mumbai: Superstar Salman Khan was spotted at a promotional event of his much-awaited upcoming film Antim-The Final Truth along with his brother-in-law and actor Aayush Sharma on Sunday night. Now, a video of him from the promotions is circulating online where the actor can be seen schooling a fan who tried to take a selfie with him.
In the viral video, Salman was seen posing for the paparazzi when a fan requested a picture with him. The actor agreed and posed with him for the shutterbugs present there. However, the fan wanted to take a selfie instead.
Salman told him that the paparazzi are taking a picture for him. “Le raha hai (The cameramen are taking pictures),” he said. The cameramen also said that they were taking their pictures. However, the man refused to put down his phone. While he kept trying to adjust the angle, Salman said, “Naachna band kar (stop dancing around).” The fan finally stopped and walked away.
In terms of work, Salman Khan is currently hosting the 15th season of the controversial reality show Bigg Boss. He is gearing up for his next release Antim which is directed by Mahesh Manjrekar. He also has Tiger 3 along with Katrina Kaif in his kitty.