Mysuru police found that the mysterious death of 22 year old Madhu Kumari in Chandravadi village, is a case of honour killing. The victim’s parents, Gurumallappa,64, and Manjula,48, and her elder brother Guruprasad have been arrested. They confessed to mixing pesticide in mango juice and offering it to Madhu as they were unhappy with her shout protests over marrying her boyfriend. Superintendent of Police Mr Abhinav Khare told the media that while Madhu Kumari died under mysterious circumstances on April 12th , she was cremated the next morning in a crematorium on the outskirts of the village, much against the last rites performed by Lingayats.
He said five months ago, the victim’s parents and brother got to know of her love affair with Jayaram but forced her to get engaged to Shivaraju from Elachagere in Nanjangud taluk. Soon, she wrote to Jayaram that her parents could kill her and frame Jayaram or even plot to kill Jayaram and warned him not to walk around alone during night. He said five months ago, the victim’s parents and brother got to know of her love affair with Jayaram but forced her to get engaged to Shivaraju from Elachagere in Nanjangud taluk. Soon, she wrote to Jayaram that her parents could kill her and frame Jayaram or even plot to kill Jayaram and warned him not to walk around alone during night.