New Delhi: The Delhi Police’s Crime Branch are probing a “mysterious” letter delivered on November 14 at Mahi-Mandvi hostel, at JNU, claiming that missing student Najeeb Ahmad was held hostage in a village outskirts of Aligarh.
Ravindra Yadav, Joint commissioner of police (crime), said they checking the letter allegedly written by a woman from Aligarh, claiming to have vital information about Najeeb’s whereabouts.
According to Hindustan Times report, the women in the letter claimed that she saw Najeeb outside a mosque in Aligarh.
She said she identified him when he approached her for help.
“Najeeb told her he had somehow managed to escape. The woman claimed that by the time she could inform the police or seek help from locals, Najeeb was taken away by some people,” the police officer said.
The letter also mentioned an address in Aligarh where the women can be contacted.
When officers of the Crime Branch reached the village mentioned in the letter, they found a family living at the address who denied writing the letter.
The letter neither mentioned about the ransom nor the place where Najeeb was held hostage.
Delhi Police has raised the reward from Rs 2 lakh to Rs 5 lakh for anyone providing information that could help locate JNU student Najeeb Ahmed, who has been missing from the university for over a month now.