Patna/New Delhi: The CBI on Friday raided 12 places in Bihar, including former Minister Manju Verma’s residence in connection with its probe into the Muzaffarpur shelter home rape cases, an official said.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) team conducted searches at three residences of the former Bihar Social Welfare Minister in Patna.
A CBI official in Delhi told IANS that it also carried out searches in Muzaffarpur, Motiharti and Begusarai on the premises of the friends of Brajesh Thakur, the main accused in the case.
Manju Verma had been under attack from the opposition following revelation in July that the key accused in the rape of 34 minor girls at the Balika Grih had close links with her husband, Chandeshwar Verma.
Manju Verma resigned on August 8. Thakur is lodged in Muzaffarpur jail after his arrest on June 2.
Of the 42 girls lodged at the short-stay home run by an NGO of Thakur, 34 minor girls were found to have been sexually assaulted after the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, carried out a social audit.
The shelter home has been sealed.