Hyderabad: With the arrival of the month of Rabbi-ul-Awwal– an Islamic month, a group of Muslims in the city urged to sign a petition to mark the date of birth of Prophet Muhammed (S.W.S) as the ‘Compassion Day.’
The petition link is: http://chng.it/vbqbVR4Xpz
This move is to taken to counter the Islamophobic content and also negative elements have spread the false propaganda and maligned the image of our beloved prophet (pbuh).

One of the initiator said that, “To make it happen, let us put together all our efforts from 1st of Rabi ul Awwal to 12th of Rabi ul Awwal that is 18th of October to 29th of October 2020 as per the Gregorian Calendar in propagating this day as the ‘Compassion Day.’ “

The movement has been planned in two phases. The first will spread awareness about this imitative and second phase will consist of executing the planned activities so that our Kalima deprived brothers get to know the real introduction of Rehmatul Lil aalameen (pbuh) & teachings of Islam.
The month of Rabbi-ul- Awwal will witness things like Verbal Introduction of Seerat through calls and messages; distribution of books on Seerat (life of Prophet Muhammad) in different languages; articles in various languages through Social Media; and Sending Videos/ Audios and URLs, Introducing through our Deeds & Actions.

The group of initiators has urged the people to feed the orphans and poor, distributing Blankets in Winter Season, arranging breakfast for patients and their relatives in hospitals, easing the burden of needy and poor people, relaxing the payment terms of loans, etc and to feed or any other act of kindness to the animals.

The above activities can definitely make this movement successful. However, this won’t be possible without your involvement and active participation. +917817864611