Hyderabad: Mohammed Adeeb, a former member of parliament, has expressed his deep anguish over the prevailing communal situation in the country. “There is a concerted effort to make Muslims as second-class citizens in the country,” he said.
Adeeb advises Muslims to give up passivity to prove that they are a vibrant community. “If Muslims remain passive their condition will soon become like the Muslims of Myanmar.”
Individual leadership is failing among Muslims and hence the Muslims must promote collective leadership to demonstrate that they want to live like other communities with peace and dignity in the country”, the former MP said.
“There is no political party which is truly sympathetic to Muslim causes to stand up and seek justice for them. They only shed crocodile tears to perpetuate the feeling of helplessness and victimhood among the community”, he said.
Mohammed Adeeb exhorted the Muslims to sport black bands to register their peaceful protest on the occasion of Ramzan Eid prayer congregation.
‘Most of the reports and videos of injustice to Muslims are coming from areas where people are using smartphones and are active on social media. But there are many areas in India where the use of smartphones and social media is very less. No report is coming from such areas,” the ex-MP said.
Mohammed Adeeb said that he is planning to hold a meeting of scholars and intellectuals across the country to make a plan to safeguard Indian Muslims and their civic rights as citizens of this country.
“The Hindutva forces are working overtime to spread hatred against Muslims across the country and any passive attitude in such a situation will strengthen these communal forces,” he said.