Mahboob Ahmad from Siddharthnagar of Uttar Pradesh has lodged a complaint alleging that his 15-year-old son Gulzar Ahmad, a Class 8 student, was taken to a seven-day (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) RSS training camp on the pretext of a study tour along with three other pupils.
Gulzar Ahmad studies in Pre-Secondary Junior High School which belongs to BJP MP Jagdambika Pal. Meanwhile Jagdambika Pal confessed that he owned the school but claimed that it was the conspiracy to defame RSS.
“They were actually taken to Surya Mahavidyalaya, Badni where a RSS camp (Prathmik Prashikshan Varg) was going on. All students were asked to attend RSS camp from October 10 to October 18. There was a list in which Gulzar was identified as Vijay Kumar.
My son told me that they were made to recite anti-Muslim poems during the camp. The speaker taught the children to hate Muslims. He was so terrified from day one that he couldn’t dare to react,” Ahmad told Mail Today over the phone from his village.
“They asked me to wear a particular dress (khaki pant and white shirt). On day first, mobile phones was taken away, and no one was allowed to venture out of the camp. They returned my mobile phone,” said Gulzar.
Mahboob has also lodged a complaint with the State Minority Commission and sought action against the school authorities.
However Sri Prakash, in-charge of the camp said, “We don’t bring students to our camps. They come on their own. Our only role is to coordinate with those who want to attend it.
“He was not the only Muslim boy in the camp. There was also one Noor Alam from another village”, he said.