Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Taking a strong note of the incident in Mandsaur district where the Hindu Dal activists roughed up two Muslim women for allegedly carrying beef, Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Bhupender Singh on Wednesday said that action would be initiated against those who have attempted to take the law in their hands.
“Two women were arrested yesterday. The veterinary report stated that prima facie it was found to be buffalo meat. No one should take the law in their hands. If report comes from the women, we will take action against those who have tried to take the law in their hands,” Singh told ANI.
A video of the incident shows a crowd cornering the women before verbally abusing and beating them.
The police tried to stop the crowd, but were outnumbered.
The shocking incident comes just two weeks after the controversy surrounding the flogging of a Dalit family by gau rakshaks for skinning a dead cow in Una, Gujarat.
The incident sparked a huge outrage with the Dalits taking to streets to vent their ire. (ANI)