(Siasat News) Mr. Mushtaq Malik president of Muslim Shibbaan and President of Telangana Muslim JAC told that the meeting of Muslim ulema with Mr. KCR was symbol of ridicule for the people of Telangana. He told that the Muslim delegations from Karimnagar, Mahaboobnagar and Warangal met him and discussed about the representation of the Muslims in their districts. He further told that Telangana state could not have been achieved without the cooperation of the Muslims. They participated in Telangana movement on a large scale. He told that not allotting the Mahaboobnagar Assembly seat to a Muslim candidate is an injustice to the Muslims. The argument of Mr. KCR that the Muslims are not in a large numbers in Mahaboobnagar Assembly constituency is ridiculous. If Mr. Ibrahim was given TRS ticket in the by-election of 1999, what was the reason? Have the Muslims been reduced in number since then? All the political parties should realize that the Muslims constituted 14% of the total population of Telangana region. The fate of the successful candidate is decided with a difference 2-3% of votes. In this context, 14% votes of the Muslims are the deciding factors. If all the Muslims decide to vote in favour of a certain candidates collectively, he is sure to win. Muslim JAC will make an attempt to bring all the Muslim organizations to a common platform to decide the strategy for the next elections. The political party should know that they cannot win the seats without the cooperation of the Muslims. The philosophy of voting by Muslims to the Reddys, veilamas, S.C.’s, S.T.’s, B.C.’s, but these sections should not vote in favour of any Muslim candidates should change. The Muslims should formed a common strategy and work jointly to cast their votes in favour of only sincere candidates and defeat the communal elements.
———-Siasat News