Hyderabad: With the release of proforma for 12% reservation for Muslims by Mr. Zahid Ali Khan the campaign launched by Siasat Urdu Daily was started. Siasat Urdu Daily has prepared a common proforma to facilitate the Muslims to make representations to Govt. officials and public representatives.
Mr. Zahid Ali Khan expressed his anxiety over the abnormal delay in finalizing 12% reservation for Muslims. He took a decision to create awareness among the Muslims to get their democratic right.
It may be noted that Govt. of Telangana has issued a notification for filling up the vacant posts. It further intends to recruit 1, 07, 000 candidates against the vacant posts. If 12% reservation is implemented, Muslim candidates can get more than 12000 jobs. Mr. Zahid Ali Khan has requested all the Muslims, their organizations and various committees to send these representations to Govt. officials and public leaders. After sending these applications, their copies could be mailed to Siasat Urdu Daily and Muslim Empowerment through the following email id: siasat.muslimempowerment@gmail.com and watsapp: 8712900055.
–Siasat News