Hyderabad: Telangana High Court adjourned the hearing of the case pertaining to holding elections for municipalities in T.S. till 9th September. In this manner, court provided relief to State Government for filing affidavit.
It may be mentioned that three M.Ps had alleged that TS Govt. is holding elections in a whimsical way. These M.Ps were: Mr. K Revant Reddy (Congress), Mr. K Venkat Reddy (Congress) and Mr. Bandi Sanjay (BJP). They contended that they did not receive any notice for changing the boundaries of the municipal wards. They alleged that TS Govt. is making an attempt to hold elections with changed boundaries of municipal wards.
Justice R.S Chauhan and Justice Abhishek Reddy adjourned the hearing till 9th September and directed the Govt. to inform about the demarcation of new boundaries of municipal wards.