Raipur: After Mumbai and Gujarat, comedian Munawar Faruqui’s shows have now been cancelled in Chattisgarh’s Raipur following the threats from various Hindutva groups. Reportedly, Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad leaders have demanded the state police officials to stop his upcoming events, accusing him of hurting their religious sentiments.
Faruqui’s shows were scheduled to take place on 14 November.
According to a report in Scroll, Bajrang Dal sent a letter to the police on Monday claiming that Munawar Faruqui makes fun of Hindu gods and the kar sevaks who died in the Godhra train fire incident in 2002. The letter also reportedly stated that if the shows weren’t cancelled by the police, then the right-wing people would step in and stop.
Last month, Munawar Faruqui had to cancel his three shows in Mumbai because of threats from various right-wing groups who were running an organised social media campaign under the hashtag #GoBackMunawar to target the comedian. They alleged that his shows are ‘anti-Hindu’.
It can also be recalled that Faruqui’s September shows in Gujarat too were cancelled after Bajrang Dal protested against the comedian with the allegations of making anti-Hindu jokes during his show.