Mumbai: The National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) team on Tuesday rescued 1500 stranded passengers from Vadodara Express stationed at Nala Sopara due to water-logging. Railway tracks at Nallasopara station got submerged after water level rose to 260 mm.
Meanwhile, 120 people were rescued from Palghar’s Bhoidapada.
Earlier in the day the, Bombay High Court also pulled up the railways for failing to maintain smooth functioning of operations.
The Court observed that “Central & Western Railway have not done anything. Even after so many years, suburban railway tracks are submerged in rains.”
“Why can’t you raise the height of tracks to avoid flooding?” the Court asked.
“Due to heavy rains, Up and Down through line at Nala Sopara is halted. However, local trains on Western Suburbs are running late by 10 to 15 minutes between Virar to Churchgate,” said Divisional Railway Manager, Western railway, on Tuesday morning.
2000 packets of food were also sent for the stranded passengers.
“A special food train, carrying about 2000 food packets, prepared in base kitchen, has been plied from Mumbai Central to Naigaon for the passengers of stranded trains, due to water logging at Nala Sopara,” said Western Railway PRO.
Streets at Gandhi Market, Sion Panvel Highway, Chembur, and Vadala were waterlogged as rain continued to lash the region.
Meanwhile, safety measures have been taken near all beaches. Lifeguard chairs have been arranged at all the six beaches for better visibility, along with a manual siren, public address system, ring boys and life jackets. (ANI)