Hyderabad: Mr. Zahid Ali Khan, Editor of Siasat Urdu Daily launched the calendar for 2016 printed by Minority Employees’ Coordination and Consultancy Association yesterday in the office of Siasat. Present on the occasion were President of the association, Mr. Abdus Samad Azmi, Mr. M.A. Qadeer, Vice President, Mr. Syed Basheeruddin Qadri, General Secretary, Mr. Ahmed Siddiqui Mukesh, Dr. Mohammed Nazim Ali, Coordinator of Nizamabad District, Dr. Shaik Siyadath Ali, Coordinator of Mahboob Nagar District, Mr. Ateeq-ur-Rahman, Ms. Ayesha Ishrath and others.
Mr. Zahid Ali Khan expressed his good wishes for the stability and development of the association. Mr. Basheeruddin Qadri proposed vote of thanks.
–Siasat News