MPC USA Condemns attacks on US Embassies in the Middle East

Dr. Shaik Ubaid, New York State co-chair of Muslim Peace Coalition USA has condemned the attacks on US embassy in Cairo, Egypt and US consulate in Benghazi, Libya that took place in response to the making of a trashy movie against Prophet Muhammad. “We condemn these attacks unequivocally,” Dr Ubaid said.

He appealed to the Muslims all over the world not to walk into the trap laid for them by the international Islamophobic coalition that includes extremist elements of Coptic expatriates in the US, followers of extremist Hindutva ideology along with extremists from Jewish and Christian faiths. Some of these groups in the US are reportedly involved in the making of a trash movie against Prophet Muhammad.

“The Islamophobic extremists would love to see enraged Muslims attack American buildings all over the Muslim world and that is why they are promoting this trashy film. American government is not involved in making of this movie. In fact American officials have condemned the attacks on Quran and the Prophet. Muslims must remember that Prophet Muhammad, Allah’s blessings be upon him, was sent as a mercy to humanity, as our holy book Quran teaches us. We must also realize that the mainstream religious leaders of Christian denominations, Jewish community, Sikh community and Hindu community have condemned the demonization of Muslims and the attacks on Islam and Islamic personalities,” said Dr. Ubaid

Muslim Peace Coalition USA appealed to the American State department to launch a robust campaign to reach out to Muslim leadership and masses all over the world, explaining the American government’s stand on Islamophobia. This is especially needed as the attacks on Islam by mainstream republicans such as Newt Gingrich and Michelle Bachman have been covered extensively in the Muslim media and have created the impression that American political establishment supports demonization of Islam and Muslims.

Dr. Ubaid also appealed to the Christian and Jewish leaders to be more robust in the denunciation of the Islasmophobic elements of their societies who have launched a sustained campaign of fear-mongering and hate-peddling; so that communal harmony can be strengthened on a global level. The genie of hatred that was let out by Islamophobes such as Pamela Geller, David Yerushalmi, Robert Spencer, Shannon Edelson, John Jay, Gert Wilders, Newt Gingrich, etc will turn on Jewish and other minorities and will not be contained as just an anti-Muslim genie. When a nation becomes desensitized to hate-mongering the whole society eventually suffers,” stated Dr. Ubaid.

Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid, the founder of Muslim Peace Coalition USA has asked mosques all over the US to hold special prayers for communal harmony this Friday, the Muslim weekly holy day. The imams and khateebs are requested to give their sermons against Islamophobia in the West and the ethnic cleansing going on in Burma. They must appeal to the Muslims all over the world to practice the Islamic teachings of compassion, forgiveness and perseverance against hatred.

Muslim Peace Coalition is a national alliance of Muslim Americans in 15 states who are committed to the principle of standing up and speaking for justice (Quran 4:135) not only because of their desire to uphold the principles of their faith, but also out of deep concern and commitment to our country.