MP resident turns millionaire after finding diamond

Panna: Sushil Shukla, a resident of Kishore Ganj in Panna city in MP, turned millionaire overnight. Shukla, who belongs to a middle class family, recently found a rare  26.11 carat diamond from a shallow mine in Panna.

Brijesh Jadiya, a diamond trader, offered the highest bid to purchase this rare Diamond at Rs.1.62 crore in an open diamond auction held on Friday night. His company “Mother gems & Co” deals in diamonds.

The open auction of diamonds was organized by the diamond office in a room in Navin Collectorate  where 154 diamonds of 225.72 carat were offered for auction which included this rare diamond.

A large number of leading diamond traders from Mumbai, Surat, Rajasthan and MP participated in the auction.