MoU between SETWIN and MFC cancelled

The government vetoed the proposed agreement between Minority Finance Corporation and SETWIN for job-oriented courses for minority youth. According to reliable sources Special Secretary Minority welfare after seeking details from Minority Finance Corporation vetoed the agreement. Minority Finance Corporation had decided to begin training programmes in collaboration with Setwin under the training and employment head. On December 12, Managing Director Minority Finance Corporation and other officials visited Setwin and sought details regarding various training programmes. Later a memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between Setwin and the AP State Minorities Finance Corporation (APSMFC).

It has been learnt that that MWD was kept in the dark even after signing the MoU. After receiving adverse opinions about APSMFC having entered into the MoU the Special Secretary sought details from the Minority Finance Corporation and after reviewing them came to the conclusion that most of the Setwin’s courses have become outdated and have lost relevance hence the MoU has been put on hold.

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