Mumbai: Famous TV Actress and former beauty pageant winner Mahika Sharma, who had not talked to her mother for years because of some misunderstanding, finally got a call from her while being stuck in UK due to lockdown.
While being stranded in UK, Mahika got back in touch with her mother after almost two years. She says, “Since the last two years, my mother and I were not on talking terms. She had blocked me on all mediums, making it difficult for me to get in touch with her. She thought I was dating an adult film star, but I was just doing a film with him. No matter how much I tried, she wasn’t willing to see the truth. Fortunately, things have got better now and we have reconnected. When she learned that I was stuck here in the UK, she got really worried and called me. She even cried on the phone and said she wants me to be with her as soon as possible. I’m so glad that things have improved between us and can’t believe that this situation actually helped me get back with my mother.”