New Delhi: A mushaira comprising of 33 languages of the country was held by Sahitya Academy on the occasion of World Mother-tongue Day. Noted poet and writer of Dogri language, Padma Sachdev inaugurated the mushaira. During his inaugural address, he said whatever languages we are speaking is our mother tongue, it is like our mother, hence it is our responsibility to preserve it. He lamented that the new generation has distanced itself from their mother tongue. Another poet of Dogri language mentioned the sweetness of Urdu language.
Tahseen Munawwar (Urdu), Zaibun Aara (Assamia), Devkant Ram Charya (Bodo), Ganesh Baspote (Marathi), Anamkika (Hindi), Sujata Chaudhri (Oriya), Mohan Ham Thadi (Sindhi), Pratibha Nandkumar (Kannad), Malchand Tiwari (Rajasthani), Harish Manashir (Gujarati), Uttam Kumar (Nepali), Vanita (Punjabi), Yaqoob (Telugu), Anita (Malayalam), Ravi Subramaniam (Tamil), Govind Chander Manjhi (Santali) and other enthralled the audience with their poetry.