Most punctual airlines in Middle East in H1 of 2023

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) carriers Etihad Airways and Emirates Airline was ranked among the top five most punctual airlines in the Middle East in first half of 2023, according to global aviation analytics group OAG.

Etihad and Emirates were ranked 1st and 2nd respectively, with on-time performance (OTP) of 83.4 percent and 81.13 percent.

According to the OAG, the definition of OTP is flights that arrive or depart within 15 minutes of the scheduled arrival or departure times.

Cancellations are included in the OTP calculations and counted as delayed flights.

The airline’s on-time performance (OTP) is calculated based on arrival data, while departure and arrivals data are taken into account for airport one-time.

Here are the top five most punctual airlines in Middle East

1Etihad Airways81.14 percent
2Emirates Airlines81.13 percent
3Gulf Air79.92 percent
4Qatar Airways77.50 percent
5FLYNAS68.25 percent