Over a dozen cows have allegedly starved to death in Jalalabad cow shelter of Uttar Pradesh’s Kannauj district, triggering protests by locals outside a cow shelter.
According to the locals, at least 15 cows have died or went missing while the shelter workers took another 5-6 cow away on loaders.
While locals are protesting outside the cow shelter, Kannauj SDM had a different view.
“I had received information from Additional SP that some cows had died at a cow shelter. The place was inspected and it has been found that no cow died today. Further investigation is underway,” said Kannauj SDM, PC Srivastava on Saturday.
Local milkman Sandeep Yadav said, “Earlier, I came here to take milk. The cows were dying. I asked the pradhan to take care of them. He said they are being fed well. One of the cows died that evening, so he got the body thrown in the backyard.”
“Pradhans from Jewon Gram Sabha and Basheerapur Bhag were overseeing this shelter but the cows kept suffering in hunger and thirst. This is the condition of cows in this government, which came to power in the name of cows and Ganga,” said another local.
“They are trying to hide the dead bodies of these cows. A case of cow slaughter should be registered against such ‘Gau Rakshaks’.
“The government had issued this shelter under the pradhan and secretary for the stray cows in the region,” he added.