New Delhi: The IPL match between Sunrisers Hyderabad and the Chennai Super Kings had gained a historic 8.2 million viewership to Hotstar on Tuesday and made it the most-watched live video event in the Internet history, said Cambridge based digital content delivery company Akamai Technologies Inc.
The online audience during this match was double the audience that of during inauguration of President Trump. “It’s a religion in this country,” a report by Boston Globe quoting Parimal Pandya, vice president of Akamai’s Asian media division said.
The Hotstar chief executive Ajit Mohan said that three years ago, fewer than five million Indians had wireless broadband, and today, it’s up to 200 million. People with smartphones are mostly young and watch videos on phone rather than on TVs. “While in the US most homes have more than one TV, in India the smartphone is the other TV, said Mohan.