Hyderabad: Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao has instructed that proper action should be taken based on the situation arising out from time to time with regard to spread of Corona virus in the State. He wanted the condition of those affected with the Virus should be monitored on a regular basis. He urged the people to follow the lockdown being implemented, to contain spread of the virus, without fail.
The CM reviewed the measures taken to prevent spread of the Corona Virus in the State at Pragathi Bhavan on Sunday . He also discussed about the guidelines issued by the Centre on the lockdown conditions
and the measures to be taken by the State government. KCR inquired with the officials concerned on the situation prevailing in several districts and maintenance of the containment zones.
Medical and Health Minister Etela Rajender, Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar, DGP Mahender Reddy, Principal secretaries S Narsing Rao, Shanta Kumari, Janardhan Reddy, Ramakrishna Rao and others attended.