New Delhi: Following the backlash received over Mohan Bhagwat’s alleged disrespectful statement against the Indian army, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) on Monday said that his speech was being misrepresented.
A statement issued by Akhil Bharatiya Prachar Pramukh, Manmohan Vaidya, read, “Bhagwat ji had said that if situation arises and the Constitution permits, Indian army would take six months to prepare the society whereas Sangh Swayamsevaks can be trained in three days, as Swayamsevaks practise discipline regularly.”
To this effect, Vaidya added, the statement was not a comparison between the Indian army and the Sangh Swayamsevaks, but a comparison between general society and swayamsevaks, when given the opportunity to be trained by the Indian Army.
Bhagwat’s statement sparked an outrage on social media following his speech in Bihar’s Muzaffarpur where he was reported to have said that RSS was capable of preparing military personnel in three days for which the Indian Army would take six to seven months.