New Delhi: Retorting to Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s minority remark, former Indian cricketer Mohammad Kaif on Tuesday said that Pakistan is the last country that should be lecturing any country on how to treat minorities.”
Kaif took to Twitter to hit out at Khan, he wrote, “There were around 20 per cent minorities at the time of partition in Pakistan, now less than 2 per cent. On the other hand, the minority population has grown significantly in India since Independence. Pakistan is the last country that should be lecturing any country on how to treat minorities.”
There were around 20% minorities at the time of Partition in Pakistan,less than 2% remain now. On the other hand minority population has grown significantly in India since Independence. Pakistan is the last country that should be lecturing any country on how to treat minorities.
— Mohammad Kaif (@MohammadKaif) December 25, 2018
All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) president Asaduddin Owaisi on Sunday also hit out at the Pakistan Prime Minister. Owaisi asked Khan to borrow some leaves of wisdom from India, specifically about “inclusive politics and minority rights.”
Taking to Twitter, Owaisi stated, “According to the Pakistani Constitution, only a Muslim is qualified to be President. India has seen multiple Presidents from oppressed communities. It is high time Khan Sahab learns something from us about inclusive politics and minority rights.”
Khan on Saturday had said that giving equal rights to the religious minorities is the cornerstone of the vision of Pakistan’s founding father and that the country will show Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi how to treat these groups, the Express Tribune reported.