New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday made three novel suggestions, including reserving of a week in Parliament for first-time members and a day on International Women’s Day on March 8 for women members to enable them to articulate their views.
He praised Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan for organizing a two-day workshop for women lawmakers and wondered whether a decision can be taken to ensure that only women members talk in both Houses on March 8, the International Women’s Day.
“You have organised a good programme on March 5 and 6. I have a suggestion. In this March, our Parliament will continue to function on the International Women’s Day. Let the agenda of March 8 be there as it is but can we decide that only women members will speak on March 8,” he said while replying to a debate on Motion of Thanks to the President’s address.
Modi, a first-time MP, also made a pitch for giving a chance to first timers to speak, arguing that they don’t get a chance to articulate their views. He sought the guidance of senior leaders on whether there can be a week in one or two sessions in a year, where only first timer MPs would speak.
With a smile, Modi said, “I am not making this suggestion because I myself am a first time MP. But because we feel the need for some fresh air, ideas in Parliament. I feel they should be given the opportunity. They can put forward many new things before us for the country on which we can do something.”
The third suggestion that he made was regarding the Sustainable Development Goal announced by the UN.
“All the nations at the UN have decided Sustainable Development Goals, which has been given a good name by our External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj ‘Tikau Vikas Lakshya’. Can all members of Parlimanet sit on some Saturday till late hours and decide on what could be done, how these goals be achieved? I hope this is considered,” he said.
Speaking on the issue of Parliament disruption, he referred to the President’s Address and said he is occupying the top Constiutional post in the country and his views should be accepted.
“We should listen to our elders and take their suggestions. The President’s views are also important because he has spent a long time in politics and his expecations will be more from people among whom he has spent a long time,” Modi said.