Chennai: The combination of actor-turned-politician Rajinikanth and Prime Minister Modi would be good for Tamil Nadu, said ‘Thuglak’ magazine Editor S.Gurumurthy.
Speaking to reporters here on the sidelines of an event held by Ficci, Gurumurthy said the Modi-Rajinikanth combination will do good for Tamil Nadu, which is seeing a leadership vacuum.
Rajinikanth with his mass appeal and Modi with his administrative expertise can bring great benefit to the state, he said.
Earlier speaking at the special session of Ficci’s National Executive Committee Meeting, Gurumurthy said societies based on family system and individualistic oriented ones need a different approach.
“The economy, savings, investment pattern, human resources, discipline differs. We need to move away from the idea of putting all our savings into banks, gold and real estate,” he added.
According to him, the shelf life of ideas has been getting progressively shorter.
“Colonialism and capitalism existed for 150 years but globalization is being questioned in 25 years,” he said, adding that this is “because there is no permanence in direction as we have built a fundamentally unstable polity and market”.
Makkal Needhi Maiam’s (MNM) founder Kamal Haasan said protectionism is a knee-jerk reaction and India need not follow Europe.
According to him, the diversity of the nation calls for a federal outlook and there should not be fights for regional rights.