Mumbai: Slamming the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government and the BJP over deteriorating peace and harmony in the country, former president of the Jawaharlal Nehru University Student Union (JNUSU) Kanhaiya Kumar on Wednesday alleged that the BJP was solely responsible for the vitiating social environment in the country. He expressed these views while speaking to press persons in Mumbai on Wednesday. Kumar further claimed that democracy in India was under threat and that democratic institutions, including media, were falling under fascist forces.
Kumar pointed out that those who killed journalist Gauri Lankesh and those who were opposing us share good relations between themselves.
Lashing out at the Modi government, Kanhaiya Kumar said people have chosen the government for development and not to protect a religion. Referring to Rafael deal, Kanhaiya alleged that, before elections, the BJP had promised to uproot corruption but after coming to power it shielded several corrupt leaders by accommodating them in the party.