Patna: The Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) on Monday said the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led Government at the Centre is running on the principles of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh(RSS) and not the Constitution of India.
“I want to ask the Prime Minister what action he has taken on Sangeet Som, Sakhshi Maharaj, Sanjeev Balyan. He only told the media that he is upset. He spoke of moratorium on August 15 last year but has he put moratorium on any one? Modi ji does not know the difference between ‘Samvidhan'(Constitution) and ‘sanghvidhan’. The government is running on the principles of “Sangh ka vidhan”(RSS),” RJD national spokesperson Manoj Jha told the media here.
Jha also reiterated that the grand alliance is confident of forming the next government in Bihar.
“The issues of Bihar are decided by the people of Bihar. Amit Shah’s political outlook has completely changed. 500 to 1000 people are coming in their public meetings. They are hunting for film actors and actresses. This only shows that Bihar has made up its mind and we will form the next government in the state,” Jha added.