New Delhi: Amid the row over “insult” to Kerala Chief Minister, Congress today made a scathing attack on the Narendra Modi government charging it with constantly “humiliating” non-BJP Chief Ministers and also attempting to “destabilise” Congress governments.
Party’s senior spokesman Anand Sharma said that Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy was not the only Chief Minister “insulted” by the Centre.
“There are complaints against the Prime Minister from other State government’s also. On Sept 27, Karnataka Chief Minister Siddharamiah was not invited to Indo-German conclave in Begaluru.”
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was not invited to a function concerning a Metro between Delhi-Faridabad where the Prime Minister was the chief guest, he recalled.
He alleged that Governors appointed by BJP – all RSS supporters, are getting involved in day to day running of government, which was beyond their mandate.
Turning to the Kerala issue, he claimed that the letter that is being circulated by BJP is written after the Chief Minister had been asked to recuse himself from the event by the Officer on Special Duty of the Prime Minister.
He said that the Chief Minister did not wanted to embarrass the Prime Minister and he wrote the letter after the OSD asked him whether he agreed to recuse himself from the function.
“Despite talking about co-operative federalism, they are constantly slighting non-BJP Chief Ministers….They are attempting to destabilise Congress governments”, he said without elaborating.