New Delhi: Noted scientist, poet and writer Gauhar Raza said that the biggest attack made by Modi government is on scientific temper. He was addressing the 3-day Citizens’ Conclave organised to review the 4-year rule of the central government. He told that the downfall of the scientific department began since the Modi government was formed at the centre in 2014. He said according to CSIR figures its publication was 5824 till 2014 but it has seen a decline in the past 4 years and the publication was dropped to 5524. The government would have the least idea what loss the drop of 300 publications would cause to the country. This is a direct attack on CSIR, he claimed.
Our prime minister is attacking scientific temper with a conspiracy because he knows that if scientific temper dies he would acquire everything, said Gauhar Raza.
During her presidential address, Kavita Srivastav said the country is implementing Godse theory where there is the custom of shooting off instead of holding dialogue and discussion. The same ideology has killed people like Dr Pansare, Kalburgi and Gauri Lankesh who had the scientific temper.
Dr Megha Pansare also narrated why and how Dr Pansare was killed.
Nisha Agarwal, CPI leader Aini Raja, noted social worker Kavita Krishnan, noted social worker Syeda Hameed and Rachna Mudra also addressed on the occasion.