New Delhi : Taking a jibe at the appeal made by Janata Dal (United) leader Sanjay Singh to make Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar the prime ministerial face, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Friday said every political party should remember that by just making ‘imaginary plans’, one cannot be elected as the Prime Minister.
“It doesn’t cost a penny to make such statements. AAP wants to see Arvind Kejriwal as a prime minister, Akhilesh Yadav, Mamata Banerjee are also there in the race. Every regional party projects their leader suitable to the post of a prime minister, but just by imagining things, one cannot be elected as the prime minister,” BJP leader Sushil Modi told ANI.
Another BJP leader C.P. Thakur said there is no such candidate, who can stand against Prime Minister Modi.
“They are just building castle in the air. They are making imaginary plans, no matter how good image Nitish Kumar has, it’s not possible to defeat Prime Minister Modi,” he said.
Earlier this day, in the wake of Prime Minister Modi-led BJP adding one state after another in its kitty, the JD (U) urged all opposition parties to come together and create an alternative against the former.
JD(U) leader Sanjay Singh, while speaking to ANI, said that Nitish will be the best alternative to fight Prime Minister Modi.
” Opposition should come together in order to create alternative against Prime Minister Modi. And, that alternative will be Nitish Kumar,” Singh told ANI.
After the BJP’s stupendous performance in the recently-held assembly elections, the central leadership has asked leaders and legislators to gear up for the 2019 general election.
BJP president Amit Shah has reportedly asked party leaders to be ready for the Lok Sabha elections while asserting that the party’s recent victories was an outcome of the people’s vote against casteism, family rule and corruption, and in favour of Prime Minister Modi’s leadership.