New Delhi: On way to inaugurating the Ambedkar National Memorial, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday boarded the Delhi Metro and travelled from Lok Kalyan Marg to Vidhan Sabha station.
“Prime Minister Narendra Modi today (Friday) travelled by Delhi Metro from Lok Kalyan Marg station to Vidhan Sabha station of Yellow Line from 5:41 p.m. to 6:01 p.m.,” the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation said.
The metro services on the line continued as normal throughout the Prime Minister’s journey.
“During his travel, services were running as per normal schedule including passengers in the train which the PM took,” the transporter said.
Modi had laid the foundation stone of the memorial on March 21, 2016 at 26 Alipur Road, which was home of B.R. Ambedkar, India’s first Law Minister and a champion of marginalised classes. He died at the same house on December 6, 1956.