Mobile devices will take Internet by storm by 2018: Report

: Networking experts have reportedly warned that mobile devices will soon crowd the internet. Last week, Cisco had said that by 2018, mobile data could grow 11 times in the next four years, reaching 18 exabytes(1 exabyte is equal to 1 billion gigabytes) per month.

According to PC World, mobile data traffic is expected to grow by 61 percent annually into 2018, with the extra traffic from 2017, expected to be triple the entire mobile Internet in 2013. Cisco said that the number of mobile users could shoot up to 5 billion by 2018 in comparison to 4.1 billion in 2013 with more than 10 billion mobile-ready devices. By 2018, mobile video will account for 69 percent of all mobile data against 53 percent in 2013. (ANI)