The issue of Mob lynching and the death of innocent Muslims dominated the scene in Rajya Sabha on Tuesday. NCP MP of Rajya Sabha, Mr. Majid Memon attack the Govt. that such incidents are on the increase during its tenure. He asked the govt. that he wants to know 21 Crore Muslims who are living in a state of fear and terror, do they have any right to live in India?
He recalled that before addressing the members of Parliament, PM Modi had bowed his head before the Constitution and stressed that it is very essential to gain the confidence of the Muslims. He also said that with great humility, he is asking the PM Modi that how can the govt. gain the confidence of the Muslims when a Muslim youth like Tabrez Ansari is beaten up and forced to say “Jai Sri Ram” and “Jai Hanuman”?
He also asked whether the 21 crore Muslims are enjoying delight with dignity of living fearlessly? He questioned that whatever he witnessed during the past 5 years, was not seen ever before. For this reason, some of the judges of the Supreme Court had said “There is a danger caused for the Constitution”.
Mr. Majid Memon told that lynching by the mob is the worst crime for a cultured society. Quoting Mr. Gulam Nabi Azad, Mr. Memon said that he had said that Jharkhand has been transformed into a factory wherein the Muslims and the Dalits are being attacked every week.
[source_without_link]Siasat News[/source_without_link]